Identifying future business opportunities
The SDGs aim to redirect global public and private investment flows towards the challenges they represent. It is estimated that companies that can deliver innovative solutions and transformative change can unlock economic opportunities worth at least US$12 trillion a year by 2030
Enhancing the value of corporate sustainability
While the business case for corporate sustainability is already well established, the SDGs will strengthen the economic incentives for companies to use resources more efficiently. In addition, the SDGs will help drive down the cost of sustainable alternatives.
Strengthening stakeholder relations and keeping the pace with policy developments
The SDGs reflect stakeholder expectations as well as future policy direction at the international, national and regional levels. Companies that align their priorities with the SDGs can strengthen engagement of customers, employees and other stakeholders. Those that do not will be exposed to growing legal and reputational risks.
Stabilizing societies and markets​
Business cannot succeed in societies that fail. Investing in the achievement of the SDGs supports the pillars of business success; rules-based markets, transparent financial systems, and well-governed institutions.
Using a common language and shared purpose
The SDGs define a common framework of action and language that will help companies report more consistently and effectively with stakeholders about their impact and performance. The goals will help forge new partnerships to address the world’s most urgent societal challenges.