Now, more than ever, the ideals of the UN are needed to overcome the challenges the world faces, and the UNAAWA seeks to achieve this by listening to and giving voice to those who are often not heard.
Run by a passionate and diverse team of volunteers which reflects the multicultural richness of WA, our various committees cover subjects such as education, the environment, human rights and gender equality. So no matter the issues you may be passionate about, we invite you to join us in achieving the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, our roadmap towards a fairer and more sustainable future. For achieving the SDG’s will take all of us working together to achieve, not just governments or the UN system alone, but the private sector and you as well.
We all have a role to play, especially living in Australia where we have privileges which are denied to millions of other people around the world, privileges which we should never stop supporting, here and abroad. In the UNAAWA we are therefore proud to be able to play our small part in raising awareness of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and the inalienable rights and fundamental freedoms which should be shared by all human beings.
So we proudly invite you to join us in standing up for the UN and its values, and we look forward to meeting you soon.