More than 80 participants attended the “Innovative Solutions for Sustainable Energy” forum hosted by the UNAAWA and Synergy on 30 July at The Flux, Perth.

The event was under the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Forum Series, which took off since 2018, highlighted the role of sustainable energy in transforming lives and economies whilst safeguarding the planet.
Our speakers:
(from left to right: Tristy Fairfield, Manager of Carbon Farming Department of Primary Industries & Regional, James Giblin, New Energy Delivery Manager at Synergy, Dr. Brad Pettitt, Mayor of Fremantle, Zeneta Mascarenhas, Senior Managerat Energetics).
Discussing the importance of sustainable energy and its challenges, the panel of speakers included: Dr Brad Pettitt (City of Fremantle Mayor), Zaneta Mascarenhas (Energetics WA Manager), Tristy Fairfield (Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development Carbon Farming Manager) and James Giblin (Synergy New Energy Delivery Manager).
Jessica Shaw (Member of Swan Hills in the WA Legislative Assembly and Chair of the Parliament’s multi-party Economics and Industry Standing Committee) presented the opening address with Dr Steve Lennon (Immediate Past President of UNAAWA) and Dr Sandy Chong (Chair of SDG Forum Series).
Jessica Shaw shared about a parliamentary enquiry conducted over the past 18 months looking into Microgrids and said that more is required in the energy industry in particular to transitioning WA from a centralised fossil fuel dependent energy sector to a more sustainable economic model. It was pointed out that energy production and its use is the biggest contributor to global warming. Having reliable, clean and affordable energy for everyone is therefore crucial, not only to mitigate the effects of climate change, but also to create jobs.
Some of the topics discussed during the forum included: long-term benefits of renewable energy sector and the challenges it faces; drivers for scaling up sustainable energy projects; sustainable energy examples from other countries and economies and the impact of the UN SDGs on sustainable energy and innovation.
The event ended with closing remarks by Dr Marianne Dahle (Convenor of Environment Committee) who affirmed that effective change management and behavioural change are required in order to gain buy-in from the public and businesses with renewable energy sources.
The Innovative Solutions for Sustainable Energy Forum was sponsored by Synergy.
